Regional Academy for Research and Renaissance | RARRe

Rarre Reports

The Victims of identity A research study on the Khwaja Sira of Hyderabad 2015
Understanding the ideological paradigms through religious tv channels 2015
Report on Violence Against Women in 2009 This report neither addresses the issues...
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Board of Directors

Javed Ahmed Chandio is renowned writer, scholar, and activist. He is executive director of the Center for Peace and Civil Society (CPCS), a think tank based in Pakistan's Sindh province. He edits CPCS' quarterly journalFreedom and oversees policy dialogues and research programs that target civil society, especially young writers, journalists and academia. One of Pakistan's most celebrated writers and scholars
Sahar Gul Bhatti has a Masters in Philosophy from Pakistan and another in Anthropology of Development & Social Transformation from the UK. At the University of Sussex, Brighton, she wrote her MA dissertation on the "Taliban and Globalization of Jihad", which covered national/international dynamics of Talibanization in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Gul Muhammad Bhatti, is a practicing lawyer. He has done LLb.
Samina Shabir, is an economist, she has done MBA.
Saba Naz, is consultant in a private firm. She has done MBA and M.A in literature.
Ehsanul Haq LAghari Ehsan Leghari
Ehsan Leghari is a development practitioner, and has been associated with UNDP, Oxfam GB and various national and international organizations in projects related to good governance in Pakistan
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