Introduction |
RARRe Vision and Values |
RARRe is a non-profit research academy and a think tank, which primarily and principally works for conducting socio-political research and institutionalization of a consciousness upgrading series of interactive discourse/training sessions with a cohort of young women and men every year for opening up political and scholastic horizons for them.
RARRe also develops local, national, regional and global linkages to synergize its vision with those think tanks and individuals that are interested in transforming society of the region where several core and crosscutting socio-political complexities prevail that have been hampering democratic process since the inception of Pakistan to-date.
RARRe was established as an independent regional think tank by a group of young researchers and practitioners from diverse ethnic backgrounds with shared democratic vision to enhance a tolerant, democratic and progressive political society.
Core Values of RARRe are: |
- Secularism and pluralism
- Tolerance & Coexistence
- Social Equity & Freedom
- Justice & Rule of law
Major Aims: |
- Politicization of citizens through discourse construction on the themes of democracy and secularism.
- Developing foreign and domestic policy alternatives by engaging national and regional stakeholders
- Creating multi-dimensional space for women and youth in political and democratic process through active participation and discourse construction
Following are the five main areas on which RARRe works: |
RARRe Objectives |
1. Research: RARRe would conduct research on various areas of social sciences and enhance understanding of society on various themes. |
A. Policy and Politics: RARRe would especially focus on regional politics and do extensive research on the Post-Cold War Politics phenomenon and the causal change.
B. Anthropology: In the area of Anthropology ethnographic research is focused
C. Philosophy: In philosophy RARRe would focus on social versus universal morality
D. Bhitaian Philosophy: Conducting research on Bhitae- reinterpreting his poetry
- Philosophy of Bhitaee- reinterpreting it; highlighting the ignored treasures of Bhitaee through exclusive research on each Sur and identifying intellectual and philosophical points
- Doing advocacy for Bhitae to be included in all social science courses as compulsory
- Doing advocacy to government to make Sculptures of Bhitae’s characters and place those at roundabouts, universities and institutions.
E. Parliamentary Politics in Pakistan: Through policy audit parliamentary politics would be analyzed and its legislation process will be assessed.
Media Watch: To open a media watch cell, which would monitor role of media in influencing viewers and policy-makers |
- Media Watch (Monitoring News)- All global news with especial focus on South Asia and Central Asia
G. Plural and Secular Discourse Construction in the Society: is a one-year project on secular education for various groups of women and youth to develop a shared understanding about secularism among the target groups on the one hand, and perpetuate the same among diverse groups of society including media, intelligentsia and academia on the other hand.
Main Project Objectives |
- Creating organized groups comprised of women and youth as the ambassadors of secularism in Pakistani society for highlighting how the religious extremism/fanaticism has been weakening the tolerant culture of coexistence in Indus valley and Suleman Ranges while promoting inter-faith harmony among various and diverse sections of society, which had been the tradition of this region
- Developing literature and Civil Society Curricula to influence and construct discourse on secularism and its relevance to a democratic political society for clarifying and professing the spirit of secularism and pluralism.
2. Research Journal: Research and Renaissance: |
A. Research Journal: To print and publish any periodicals, books, or leaflets for furtherance of its objectives. |
- Publish a bi-annual research journal on socio-political research.
3. Renaissance |
- Developing an academic course for youth cohorts and training them accordingly for a year. (Every year new cohort will be chosen.) The course will include the thinkers, for example, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Marx, Gramsci, Michelle Foucault, Boudreaux, Chomsky, Simon, Sartre, etc.
- Promote and popularize the Philosophy, logic and sciences, and other secular disciplines through cyber education.
4. Regional Linkages |
- To develop regional linkages (at organizational level) on various issues (related culture Human Rights, foreign policy, conflict transformation/resolution/prevention); the countries of the region could be belonging to the South and Central Asia (Though the regional choice is not restricted, initially the regional organizations will be contacted to liaison on various issues, the countries of the region could be belonging to the South and Central Asia).
- To accept grants/donations/endowments (and any moveable/immoveable property) from organization, individual s or agencies or authorities, public bodies, corporations, companies or persons, of money, moveable and immoveable property, donation, gift, and subscriptions, devises, bequests and other assistance with a view to promoting the objectives of the Society.
5. Future Initiatives-Research: |
- Indigenous ways: RARRe would focus digging out that useful/classical indigenous practices, knowledge, strategies and culture from ancient societies of world and link them with the same of contemporary time.
- Institutional Restructuring: Institutional Assessment and evaluation for policy development for restructuring institutions would be done. Working on Institutional policies through policy research and policy recommendation
- Curriculum Reforms: Curriculum will be reviewed and presented to the ministry of education for policy chance.
6. Future Initiative- Renaissance: |
- To promote the political social, intellectual and moral renaissance of the people of Sindh, Pakistan and the region through discourse on socio-political themes through organizing lectures of the local, regional and international think-tank and publishing of brochures/flyers/pamphlets on socio-political themes and making society aware
- To increase educational/consciousness level among children through supporting education projects, non-formal education and juvenile literacy.
- Focus on Gender parity and working for their socio-political rights (Men, Women, Third Gender)