Indus Reniassance |
Research Journal: To print and publish any periodicals, books, or leaflets for furtherance of its objectives. |
- Publish a bi-annual research journal on socio-political research.
Call for Research Papers for Indus Renaissance |
We are pleased to announce the first issue of our journal "Renaissance", and research writers are encouraged to share their research papers on info@rarre.org.
Indus Renaissance is a bi-annual research journal on social sciences- with focus on Politics/International Relations and Anthropology/Political Anthropology. Indus Renaissance would publish research papers on global politics with much focus on South Asia.
The contributers are expected to send the Research Papers with the reference of their superviros latest by 25th August 2009. For the research guidelines and format of the papers click the link below |
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Research Guidelines |
For the contributors of Indus Renaissance |
Research Guidelines for the writers of Indus Renaissance Regional Academy for Research and Renaissance |
Renaissance’s policy regarding essays:
The Indus Renaissance’s research team has developed research guidelines and research policy to be followed by the research writers. The prerequisite for publishing of any research paper in Indus Renaissance is conditional to following the guidelines explained in this draft.
The authors of Indus Renaissance are requested to write the abstracts or summaries of their research paper, to be placed at the top of the paper, so that the readers should get a very brief overview of the complete write-up before reading the detailed piece. The word-length of the summary should not exceed 150 words and the standard length of the article should be at least 3000 words ranging to 4000 words, and must not exceed the limit or be below the minimum level of number. The writers of the Sindhi section too are requested to write their title of Sindhi essays and abstract/summary in English as we; for example the Sindhi essay could be summarized in 150 words for those readers who cannot read in Sindhi, yet can have idea about the theme and main question in the research paper. The editorial and research team have jointly taken this decision of facilitating the non-Sindhi readers with an overview of the themes and areas on which essays/papers of Sindhi section are written.
It is highly important to acknowledging the idea of the author, which you use in your paper. Not mentioning the source in your written work would rate you committing plagiarism. A write-up is always developed with the ideas of other writers, hence the name and source of that should always be mentioned to authenticate your work. The sources could be a book written by single author, an article from a journal, a book edited containing essays written by different authors or an anthology/Reference book, online resources, newspapers, video documentaries etc.
Why Referencing?
Learning to cite ideas, sentences, concepts, information or excerpts from the sources of different writers as mentioned above is indeed an art; nonetheless it is matter of morality as well to acknowledge the original writer. It never means that the original ideas and intellectual discoveries of the research paper writers are discouraged, however, it is about acknowledging the intellectual discoveries of the other thinkers, which a research writers uses for his/her research’s referencing.
Harvard Style referencing- Overview:
There are many referencing styles followed by universities and academic journals, which include Vancouver style, Numeric style and Harvard style; the Indus Renaissance team has decided to follow the Harvard style of referencing which is used by many universities and research institutes of the USA, the UK and other countries. Harvard style of referencing is often known as ‘author-date style’1, which is mentioned in the list of reference at the end of the written essay.
Harvard style in-text referencing
Within text, in Harvard style, the reference is cited (before the closing sentence punctuation) followed by last name of the author, year of publication and exact page number/s on which that particular citation is mentioned- within text referencing comes in the small bracket. There is no punctuation between the last name of the author and year of publication, however page numbers are separated from the year with a comma, for example: |
Research Guidelines for the writers of Indus Renaissance Regional Academy for Research and Renaissance |
“...as she mentioned "the better chances for change were potential" (Qazi 2000, p.75).
Or the name of the writer can be mentioned within the text giving only year and page number in the bracket;
For example:
Hunter (2008, p.84) endorses that…..
Roy’s Globalized Terrorism (2002, p.44) explains the history of…. |
Harvard Style Bibliography
A bibliography is an inventory of references quoted at the end of an article, thesis/dissertation. According to Harvard referencing style, ‘Each individual reference is made by putting together all the details needed to find a piece of information, in a specified order. Different details are needed for different formats of information. It is important to use the same style, punctuation and order of details consistently throughout your piece of work’2.
Following are the examples of Harvard style bibliography; it should be noted that the list of referencing should be written Alphabetical order, as Foucault’s reference comes before the same of Khilnani in the examples below:
Single Author
The Harvard style is known as Author-date style, in which second name/family name of the author is mentioned first, then comma and alphabet of the first name and full stop. Year is mentioned in bracket closed by full stop. Followed after the title of the book written in italics closed by full stop. At the end name of the publisher and city (if known) should be mentioned. Following are the examples:
Foucault, M. (1975). Discipline and Punish - the birth of the prison. Penguin Books. DC.
Khilnani, S. (2001) The development of civil society. In Civil Society by Kaviraj, S. and Khilnani, S. (2001). The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, UK.
Sluka, J.A. (Ed.) (2000). Death Squad- The Anthropology of State Terror. (Introduction). University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia.
Edited Book- more authors
In the edited book the complier of editor is mentioned after the title of the book as mentioned below:
Albrow, M. & Anheier, H. (2007). Violence and the Possibility of Global Civil Society. In Kaldor, M. (Ed.). (2007). Global Civil Society 2006/7. Sage Publications.
Edwards, B. Foley, M., and Diani, M. (2001). Beyond Tocqueville. Civil society and the social capital in comparative perspective. University Press of New England: Hanover and London.
Electronic Journal
Alavi, H. (1972). The state in post-colonial societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh. New Left Review. No.74. pp.59-81.
Ashworth, A. (1986). Punishment and compensation: victims, offenders and the state. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Vol.6. pp. 86-122. |
Research Guidelines for the writers of Indus Renaissance Regional Academy for Research and Renaissance |
Online Reference:
It should be noted that the date of online search date of the reference must be mentioned in the reference, and the end of reference should not be closed by full stop; for example:
Janmohamed, J. (August 9, 2006). Changes in Pakistan's Rape Laws (Slowly) Make Progress [online]. Available from: http://www.altmuslim.com/perm.php?id=1758_0_26_0_C [Accessed on 9th April 2007]
Online Newspaper
Dawn Newspaper/Staff Reporter. (5th Sep. 2003). Repeal of Hudood ordinance opposed [Online]. Available from: http://www.dawn.com/2003/09/06/nat12.htm [Accessed on 13th April 2007]
Dawn Newspaper (20th February 2007). Gunman kills female minister in Pakistan LAHORE, Pakistan. [Online]. Available from: http://www.dawn.com/2007/02/20/welcome.htm [Accessed on 11th April 2007]
Undated Online Reference
SAWA Medicos (undated) Larkana X-Ray observatory. [online] Larkana, SAWA. Available from: http://medicos.sawa.gov/SAWA.Projects/Medicos.Science/Universe/Larkana.X-Ray.Observatory/ [accessed 15 September 2003]
Dictionary Reference
Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. New York.
Unpublished Dissertation:
Price, C. W. (1971). The Regional Crises: Radical religious politics in Philippines. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Video Documentaries and TV or radio programs etc)
Berger J. (1972). DVD. Part-I & II. Ways of Seeing (Recorded from BBC-2 for BBC television series).
British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books.
Laura, O. (Newscaster). (2008). Guantanamo Bay and the silenced screams. (Television broadcast). Asia
TV Networks Ltd.
Philip, H. (Director). (2002). The red starr. (Video Film). Displayed on Star Movies.
Personal Interviews, Phone conversation, letter, Non-archived E-Mail, etc.
It should be noted that the material that is not retrievable or recoverable cannot come in the References; it can be cited only within the text. The writers/authors should give such citations very carefully, keeping in mind, that the citation is valid and rightful and have academic reliability. |
Research Guidelines for the writers of Indus Renaissance
Regional Academy for Research and Renaissance |
James Berger finds himself astonished over the media policies of the electronic channels, which commodifies every individual being (Interview given to BBC, March 11, 1977).
According to Connie May Fowler, the sources for her novel Sugar Cane were largely autobiographical (personal phone conversation, July 22, 2003)3.
Class room lecture:
Since classroom lecture cannot be retrieved, it can be cited only within the text and need not to be mentioned in the list of references. It can be mentioned in the following style:
In his second lecture on Fredrick George Wilhelm Hegel, Professor Martin endorsed that Hegel’s dialectics need to be reinterpreted (R. Martin, Philosophy lecture series, November 15, 2008). If the professor distributed the copy of lecture at the end, it could be cited in the references:
Martin, R. (2008, November 15). Hegel’s Dialectics. Lecture delivered in the classroom of the Department of Philosophy, University of London, London.
Sources used to develop research guidelines:
Indus Renaissance’s editorial team has developed the above-mentioned research tips after reviewing research guidelines mentioned on the online sites of Harvard University, the University of Sussex, Oxford University, UK, Stanford University and Bristol University UK. Following websites can be visited for further details:
http://webster.commnet.edu/apa/edited_volume.htm |