Regional Academy for Research and Renaissance | RARRe

Rarre Reports

The Victims of identity A research study on the Khwaja Sira of Hyderabad 2015
Understanding the ideological paradigms through religious tv channels 2015
Report on Violence Against Women in 2009 This report neither addresses the issues...
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Youth Leadership & Development Program (YLDP) in Collaboration with Centre for Peace and Civil Society—A training program based on the themes of Democracy and Rule of Law.
Study Abroad
Language for Eligibility Study in Austrailia Study in USA Study in UK

Career Counseling for Youth- CCY
Announces counseling sessions on
"tudy Abroad with Scholarships, bursaries and various funding
options in European/Western countries”.
(For Undergraduate, Graduate, Research Degrees & Short Courses)
The Counseling Package includes:
Application process
  • Selecting course
  • Selecting country and university for study
  • Preparing parts of application (research proposal, statement of purpose, reference letters etc)
  • Appearing in Language tests- IELTS/TOEFL/GRE
  • Applying for scholarship
Individual and group counseling by academic guides and experts
Starts from Jan2011 to Dec 2011
Email CCY Registration Form on  
By Jan-Dec 2011  
Clearly mention in the subject line what kind of counseling you want “Individual Counseling” OR “Group Counseling”  
For more information see
Please click here to download Registration Form
Please click here to download Our CCY Brochure
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